ULU LAU - Searching For Common Roots

A personal view on a possible connection between Polynesia and Pre-Columbian America.

Among the many topics discussed about Polynesians, how they colonized the islands dotting a huge area of the Pacific Ocean is perhaps the most intriguing.

The Polynesian migration topic has always been an interest of mine, especially as it relates to Samoa. Although I have read books and articles on the subject, I didn't take it seriously until a few years ago. Since 2003, I set out to take a closer look at this subject. Doing so I had come across some materials that motivated me to gather notes. This short outline is a result of those notes.

This is not a deep academic write-up. It's a personal view on something that interests me. My goal is to find out if the Samoan creation myth - "Solo Ole Va" - provides insights into the peopling of Polynesia. I want to find out if there are traditions from the Pacific and the Americas that shed light on the true essence of the Solo. It was time to search for clues.

Things really changed for me when I came across an online copy of the "Solo ole Va" during my search. It motivated me to delve into this subject a little bit more. I also came across a book by William Sullivan that provided me with a unique way of looking at this subject. It became a key source for me in my search for root ideas between these cultures. Sullivan's book, "The Secret of the Incas", was written about Andean cultures. I saw through Sullivan's book and the "Solo ole Va", a myth from the central Pacific, connections that I'll attempt to show.

I've titled this paper - "Ulu Lau". The Samoan word "ulu" means head. "Lau" is leaf. These words describes the head leaf ("ulu lau") or a newly budded leaf of a plant. Reversing the order forms another Samoan word "lau ulu", which is "hair" or "the leaf of the ulu plant (breadfruit)." Dissecting words like this to find relationships and root meanings is what I sought.

My search revealed some interesting words, including the word Togafiti. This word is made up of two words - "Toga" (Tonga) and "Fiti" (Fiji). The meaning of togafiti is 'schemer' or 'stratagem'. Why? I'll lay out an explanation for that here.

Another interesting word is Malamalama, which, I assert, is a Samoan word that ties Polynesia to Pre-Columbia America through ancient astronomy.

The Solo and other references I came across have convinced me that there are connections between ancient Polynesia and pre-Columbian America. I've noticed that that's the view shared by many experts. While there is a significant difference between the Samoan and pre-Columbian languages, a careful comparison of some words suggestively reveal common roots. The similarity of words was very interesting to me and it's one of the highlights of this manuscript. Those words are listed in Appendix "A".

The information I'm including on these online pages is a portion of what I've collected. I hope you'll find it useful.

A probable connection to the Book of Mormon.

My secondary goal is to find a probable connection between what I'm finding to the claims from LDS Leaders relating to the Book of Mormon. This part is a bit vague. Nonetheless, this project had provided me with a very interesting observation of relationships between the recorded traditions of seemingly different cultures, and those found in the cultural landscape of the Book of Mormon. As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), I am especially curious about this topic because of these claims by early LDS Church leaders that Polynesians are descendants of a people whose story is recorded in the Book of Mormon.

Without minimizing the importance of faith in religion, I present these as a possible support for the Book of Mormon. I hope that these notes will kindle your interests in these subjects. Please read and decide for yourself. I hope you enjoy it.

"In these islands of Samoa, Thou hast remembered Thine ancient promise 'unto them who are upon the isles of the sea' (2 Nephi 10:21)." (Apia Samoa Temple - Rededicatory Prayer by President Gordon B Hinckley, 4 September 2005.)

"We thank Thee, that thousands and tens of thousands of the descendants of Lehi, in this favored land, have come to a knowledge of the gospel, many of whom have endured faithfully to the end of their lives." (Laie Hawaii Temple - By President Heber J Grant, 27-30 November 1919)

"...the Polynesian Saints are characterized by a tremendous faith. Why do they have this great faith? It is because these people are of the blood of Israel. They are heirs to the promises of the Book of Mormon. God is now awakening them to their great destiny." (Mark E. Petersen: Conference Report, Apr. 1962, p. 112)

Send me an email message (imanua @ yahoo.com) to let me know what you think or make a suggestion.

This is a work in progress, and I hold the right under copyright laws to this compilation.

Thank you ... I hope you enjoy it.

Pen Fiatoa

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  Polynesian Mythology Polynesian Legend Polynesian Migration Book of Mormon Polynesian Myth
  Samoan Myth Samoan Mythology Joseph Smith LDS Book of Mormon Polynesian Americans
  Inca Mythology Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Connection between Polynesia and America Google